PhD student in environmental chemistry - THE NORMAN


Doctoral Dissertation - DiVA

PhD opportunities. This institute has an International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS): IMPRS for Global Biogeochemical Cycles. In addition, there is the possibility of individual doctoral research. Please contact the directors or research group leaders at the Institute. Open PhD position in Biogeochemistry 'Iron catalyzed formation of methyl radicals as a common source of environmentally important volatile organic compounds ' Organic and inorganic volatile compounds containing one carbon atom (C1), such as carbon dioxide, methane, methanol, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and chloromethane are PhD position in soil organic matter/phosphorus biogeochemistry Soil organic matter is one of the most important components regulating the transfer of nutrients in terrestrial ecosystems.

Biogeochemistry phd

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in Biogeochemistry, students must satisfy the requirements of the major graduate program in which they are enrolled. In addition, the dual-title student must: be advised by two faculty in separate disciplines; I am looking for PhD applications for the fall of 2021. Applicants should be interested in global carbon and nutrient cycling. Programming skills and a firm understanding of chemistry are highly desirable. Please get in touch if you are interested in modeling the carbon cycle of the past or environmental geochemistry of today. Be­sides con­duct­ing dis­ser­ta­tion re­search, PhD stu­dents earn a min­imum of 12 cred­its through course work and other activ­it­ies such ex­ternal short courses, or­gan­iz­a­tion of work­shops, or present­a­tions at in­ter­na­tional con­fer­ences.

Postdoc in Biogeochemistry of Forest Soils with a focus on soil

At Harvard and under this heading, our department has a particular interest in the study of Earth history. Often termed Geobiology, our strengths include the study of The Stable Isotope and Aquatic Biogeochemistry Research Group at the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel ( invites applications for a PhD position as part of the SNF funded project NoLaMa: No laughing matter - nitrous oxide cycling in lacustrine environments investigating the regulation and seasonal/spatial variations of nitrous oxide PhD and postdoc, NMR in biogeochemistry Submitted by mariabaias on Thu, 2015-09-10 12:52 We are looking for individuals with a background in NMR spectroscopy and motivation to engage in projects at the interface of plant and soil biogeochemistry, including development of new isotopomer methods for estimating biogeochemical fluxes on centennial timescales, a key unknown in Earth System Models.

Biogeochemistry phd

[Met-jobs] 2 PhD student positions for exploring boreal

Biogeochemistry, Third Edition, considers how the basic chemical conditions of the Earth—from atmosphere to soil to seawater—have been and are being affected by the existence of life. He is specialized in the study of sediment biogeochemistry and phosphorus cycling, in particular in eutrophied and low-oxygen aquatic environments. Tom is involved in various collaborative projects within ABRU, with other research groups in ECOENV, and with national and international partners, including University of Turku, Finnish Geological Survey, University of Utrecht (Netherlands) and PhD in Geological or Environmental Sciences or related discipline; Valid U.S. drivers license; Experience coordinating limnological fieldwork; Expertise in any or all of the following disciplines: geochemistry, biogeochemistry, microbial ecology, hydrogeology, and/or ecosystem ecology; Experience in geochemical analysis (ion chromatography, ICP-OES or ICP-MS) as well as the operation and Biogeochemistry studies the chemical interactions between living things and the natural environment, ranging from how organisms incorporate and respond to  PhD positions (IMPRS). The International Max Planck Research School for Global Biogeochemical Cycles offers fully funded PhD projects twice per year. PhD Position in Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry.

Specific tasks will include field and laboratory investigations, advanced data analysis, writing of scientific manuscripts, and potentially co-supervision of Masters and PhD students. Associate Professor of Earth and Environmental Engineering and Earth and Environmental Sciences, Dept Earth & Environmental Eng Research focus BIOGEOCHEMISTRY What happens in the Arctic Ocean doesn’t stay in the Arctic Ocean: there is a constant exchange of gases between the ocean and atmosphere. These include carbon dioxide and other climate-relevant gases like methane and oxides of nitrogen, but also so-called trace gases like halogens, which are often harmful to the environment. This PhD project aims to investigate nitrogen isotope fractionation in living diatoms during growth in the natural environment and in laboratory cultures. The goal is to determine relationships among the N isotope composition of the nitrate in the water, the diatom biomass and diatom shell-bound N. PhD students will pursue their own individual projects, but within a larger interdisciplinary context. The PhD students will have the benefit of working together in a larger collaborative group, with joint sampling campaigns and experimental work at Tvärminne Zoological Station and be supported and co-supervised by a team of experienced, senior scientists representing different science I approve that Universitypositions might send me information about similar positions which matches my field of experience. Kathleen Lohse’s Soil and Watershed Biogeochemistry laboratory at Idaho State University is looking for a highly motivated Ph.D.
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At Harvard and under this heading, our department has a particular interest in the study of Earth history. Often termed Geobiology, our strengths include the study of The Stable Isotope and Aquatic Biogeochemistry Research Group at the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel ( invites applications for a PhD position as part of the SNF funded project NoLaMa: No laughing matter - nitrous oxide cycling in lacustrine environments investigating the regulation and seasonal/spatial variations of nitrous oxide PhD and postdoc, NMR in biogeochemistry Submitted by mariabaias on Thu, 2015-09-10 12:52 We are looking for individuals with a background in NMR spectroscopy and motivation to engage in projects at the interface of plant and soil biogeochemistry, including development of new isotopomer methods for estimating biogeochemical fluxes on centennial timescales, a key unknown in Earth System Models. He is specialized in the study of sediment biogeochemistry and phosphorus cycling, in particular in eutrophied and low-oxygen aquatic environments.

Soil scientists and biogeochemists study complex processes of mass and energy flow that control agricultural and natural ecosystem functions, productivity and sustainability.
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Where to send your application. Soils & Biogeochemistry Soil Science and Biogeochemistry is the study of physical, chemical and biological processes that occur in and define the soil characteristics. Soil scientists and biogeochemists study complex processes of mass and energy flow that control agricultural and natural ecosystem functions, productivity and sustainability.

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PhD student in Soil Science / Biogeochemistry

Applicants should be interested in global carbon and nutrient cycling. Programming skills and a firm understanding of chemistry are highly desirable.