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Gul Minerals - Inlägg Facebook  Cronstedtite ~ Nagyborzsony, Borzsony Mountains, Pest County, Hungary Formula: Bonacina found via @dusted77 ////////​html  group have multiple polytypes due to stacking sequence variations. Classification of Serpentine Group URL:​11135.html Cronstedtite Personeriasm. 780-474-2171. Reactor Personeriasm · 780-474-​4125 Minda Pixler. 780-474-6707.

Cronstedtite mindat

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Paris meteorite, Paris, Ile-de-France, France : Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2.7 [CM2.9]; W0-W1) Found 2001, single 1.37 kg stone A single carbonaceous chondrite stone from the estate of an unusually well-travelled mining engineer has recently English: Cronstedtite Locality: Herja Mine (Kisbánya), Baia Mare (Nagybánya), Maramures County, Romania (Locality at Size: 3.5 x 2.3 x 1.8 cm. Cronstedtite is a rare iron silicate of the serpentine group. This very rich and showy little specimen is festooned with lustrous, black, trigonal crystals to 3 mm on a 3-dimensional crust of matrix. English: Cronstedtite Locality: Herja Mine (Kisbánya), Baia Mare (Nagybánya), Maramures County, Romania (Locality at Size: 3.5 x 2.3 x 1.8 cm. Cronstedtite is a rare iron silicate of the serpentine group.

Gul Minerals - Inlägg Facebook

Cronstedtite, Krupka, district Teplice, region Ústecký kraj, Northern Bohemia, Czech Republic. Black CrystalsCzech  The Mineral Evolution Database (, in association with mindat (, combines spatial (locality) with temporal (age) data for  Cronstedtite (Fe 2+ , Fe 3+ ) 3 (Si, Fe 3+ ) 2 O 5 (OH) 4; Fraipontite (Zn, Al) 3 (Si, Find location list for serpentines in the Mineralienatlas and Mindat ( accessed  corundum, cosalite, covellite, crandallite, cristobalite, crocoite, cronstedtite, Ralph J. & Ralph I., 1993-2009:

Cronstedtite mindat

610 Geologi idéer kristaller, mineraler, fossiler - Pinterest

Mineral Data, Mineralienatlas Lexikon, Cronstedtite-6T2. JIŘÍ HYBLER - Crystal structure of cronstedtite-6T2, a non-MDO polytype - European Journal of Mineralog; available online: 11. Cronstedtite - Brilliant, lustrous trigonal crystals of in prisms and discoidal crystals. . This and many more mineral specimens are available for sale at Dakota Matrix Minerals. 71.01.02c.07 Cronstedtite Fe2Fe(SiFe)O5(OH)4 P 3 1 m 3m : Strunz Class: 8 - MinDAT 9 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch) 10 - Online Mineral Museum 11 - QUT Mineral Atlas Cronstedtite - Black micro crystals in a 2mm group.

Mineral(s) Cronstedtite: Fe 2+ 2 Fe 3+ ((Si,Fe 3+) 2 O 5)(OH) 4. Locality. Mindat locality: Salsigne mine, Salsigne, Cronstedtite is a complex iron silicate mineral belonging to the serpentine group of minerals. Its chemical formula is Fe 2+ 2 Fe 3+ (Si,Fe 3+ O 5)(OH) 4. It was discovered in 1821 and named in honor of Swedish mineralogist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt (1722–1765). It has been found in Bohemia in the Czech Republic and in Cornwall, England. Cronstedtite was confirmed by PXRD, SXRD and EMPA-WDS.
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Mineral(s) Cronstedtite: Fe 2+ 2 Fe 3+ ((Si,Fe 3+) 2 O 5)(OH) 4.

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610 Geologi idéer kristaller, mineraler, fossiler - Pinterest

La cronstedtita és un mineral de la classe dels silicats que pertany al grup de la caolinita-serpentina.Va ser anomenada en honor de Axel Fredrik Cronstedt (1722-1765), químic i mineralogista suec que va descobrir el níquel, la scheelita i va establir el terme zeolita. English: Cronstedtite Locality: Herja Mine (Kisbánya), Baia Mare (Nagybánya), Maramures County, Romania (Locality at Size: 3.5 x 2.3 x 1.8 cm. Cronstedtite is a rare iron silicate of the serpentine group.

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610 Geologi idéer kristaller, mineraler, fossiler - Pinterest

Collected from Herja mining area in the early '50s. Dark-brown crystals form an aggregate partially covered by Fe-oxides microcrystals. Specimen size: Cronstedtite-1M Cronstedtite-1T Cronstedtite-2H2 Cronstedtite-3T : Monoclinic : Trigonal : Hexagonal : m - Domatic: 3m - Ditrigonal Pyramidal: 6 - Pyramidal : Bm: P3 1m: P6 3 : Cm: P3 1m: P6 3 : a = 5.5033(3) Å, b = 9.5289(6) Å, c = 7.3328(5) Å β = 104.493(7)° a = 5.512(1) Å, c = 7.106(1) Å: a = 5.500(1) Å, c = 14.163(2) Å: a:b:c = 0.578 : 1 : 0.77: a:c = 1 : 1.289 Cronstedtite is not a common mineral but it is not extremely rare and Mindat lists 37 localities (2010). It was recognized as a species since about 1890. By far the best locality for specimens appears to be the Herja mine in Romania.