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Your Cost: $35 . by Humana. Additional Coverage (none) Overall Government Star Rating 3.5. Details Drug Coverage for the Humana Humana Basic Rx Plan S5884-107 (PDP) in Illinois. This is a 3.5-star Medicare Part D (prescription drug) plan. Medical Plans.
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The Humana Basic Rx Plan (PDP)’s Initial Coverage Limit is $4,020. When this limit is reached, you exit the Initial Coverage Phase and enter the Coverage Gap (or Donut Hole). The Coverage Gap , which is also known as the Donut (Doughnut) Hole is the phase of your Medicare Part D plan where you are responsible for 100% of your medication costs. Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plan details and help for Humana Basic Rx Plan (PDP) offered by Humana. information about your Humana prescription drug coverage, please review your Certificate of Insurance/Summary Plan Description/Policy of Insurance and other plan materials.
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2021 HUMANA WALMART VALUE RX PLAN (PDP), HUMANA PREMIER RX PLAN (PDP) AND HUMANA BASIC RX PLAN (PDP) Prescription drug plans designed to fit your life If you don’t live near a preferred cost-sharing pharmacy, you may be able to have your medications delivered right to your front door. Preferred cost sharing may help you save money Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plan details and help for Humana Basic Rx Plan (PDP) offered by Humana. Jan 25, 2021 Humana Basic Rx Plan, which covers 3,450 medications.
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If you join, you share in the overall costs with Humana Insurance Company by paying a monthly premium, an annual deductible (if applicable), and copayments and/or coinsurance at your pharmacy. 2020-10-01 · Humana Basic Rx Plan (PDP) Best for. Members looking for a plan with an affordable premium that also features copays as low as $1 and a $0 deductible on Tier 1 and Tier 2 drugs. Members who want the security of our most comprehensive PDP, with copays as low as $0 and $0 deductibles on over 900 Tier 1 and Tier 2 drugs. Click here to see the Humana Basic Rx Plan (PDP) prescription drug benefit details in chart format or email and view benefits chart: Plan Premium: The Humana Basic Rx Plan (PDP) has a monthly premium of $37.10. That is $445.20 for 12 months. There are a few factors that can increase or decrease this premium.
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Enligt Humana Inc., en Medicare Part D receptbelagd läkemedelsplan Webbplats www.gotland.se.
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Additional Coverage (none) Overall Government Star Rating 3.5.