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ความกระตือรือร้น  Check 'entusiasme' translations into English. Look through examples of entusiasme translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. English translation of the Catalan word “entusiasme”. Over 100000 English translations of Italian words and phrases. Danish: entusiasme; Dutch: enthousiasme; European Spanish: entusiasmo; Finnish: innostus  Need to translate "entusiasme" from Norwegian? Here are 2 possible meanings. English Translation.

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حَماس… See more. nadšení… See more. entusiasme, begejstring… See more. semangat… See more. ความกระตือรือร้น  Check 'entusiasme' translations into English. Look through examples of entusiasme translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. English translation of the Catalan word “entusiasme”.

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transitive verb. 1. (to thrill) a.

Entusiasme in english

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Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause. 2. A source or cause of great excitement or interest. 3. → حَمَاس nadšení entusiasme Enthusiasmus Swedish Translation for entusiasme - dict.cc English-Swedish Dictionary entusiasmar - Traduccion ingles de diccionario ingles. Principal Translations: Spanish: English: entusiasmar⇒ vtr verbo transitivo: Verbo que requiere de un objeto directo ("di la verdad", "encontré una moneda"). (gustar mucho algo) delight⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat.": enthuse⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a How to say entusiasta In English - Translation of entusiasta to English by Nglish, on-line comprehensive Spanish – English and English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica, Including: Translation of words and sentences, English synonyms, example sentences, related phrases, audio pronunciation, personal word lists and more Definition of entusiasme in the Definitions.net dictionary.

English Translation. enthusiasm. More meanings for entusiasme  entusiasme English Meaning Translation Betydning Oversettelse Norwegian entusiasme Translate Oversette & answer the question, "What is the Meaning of  Translation of the word entusiasme from norwegian to english, with synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugation, pronunciation, anagrams, examples of use. EnglishEdit. English Wikipedia has an article on: enthusiasm · Wikipedia. EtymologyEdit.
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A source or cause of great excitement or interest. an occupation, activity, or pursuit in which such interest is shown: Hunting is his latest enthusiasm. any of various forms of extreme religious devotion, usually associated with intense emotionalism and a break with orthodoxy.

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(gustar mucho algo) delight⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." enthuse⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." Meaning and examples for 'entusiasmada' in Spanish-English dictionary. √ 100% FREE. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. √ Fast and Easy to use. enthusiasm translate: sự nhiệt tình. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Vietnamese Dictionary. Meaning and examples for 'entusiasmo' in Spanish-English dictionary.