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TEX till MAT -
Modifiers remain in effect until the end of the text. txt = texlabel (f) converts the MATLAB ® expression f into the TeX equivalent for use in text. texlabel converts Greek variable names (for example, lambda, delta, and so on) into a character vector that is displayed as Greek letters. The txt output is useful as an argument to annotation functions such as title, xlabel , and text.
This le can now be compiled from a LATEX editor to … MATLAB interprets the characters “\” and “%” as MATLAB commands. To prevent this from happening, we use “\\” and “%%” instead. From that script, MATLAB generates the Latex file basicLatexFileGenerated.tex: \ documentclass [10pt]{article} \ usepackage … This MATLAB function specifies whether text should be formatted in bold font. MATLAB: How to get a new line with the TEXT function using TeX formatting in MATLAB 7.2 (R2006a) greek interpreter latex line MATLAB new newline tex text; I want to use TeX formatting in the TEXT function to write text on a second line in my graph.
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Modifiers remain in effect until the end of the text. Basically when you create a text label in a figure that has its interpreter set to TeX or LaTeX, MATLAB processes that string with a function called tex.m.
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texlabel converts Greek variable names (for example, lambda, delta, and so on) into a character vector that is displayed as Greek letters. The txt output is useful as an argument to annotation functions such as title, xlabel, and text. In each of these cases, text analytics with MATLAB ® can be useful in automating the process of extracting information from text, significantly reducing the time required for manual processing. This paper highlights common text analytics applications followed by a typical workflow and some examples to get you started with exploring and building models with your own text dataset. I have created an uiTable in Matlab. Now I need to write column headers and some cell data, which contain greek letters and subscripts. In text objects or plots I would just enable the TeX interpre For a list of symbols and the character sequences used to define them, see the table of available TeX characters in the Text Properties reference page.
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This function creates a MATLAB string that is a fairly typical .tex file.
What I had to do was to right click on the legend in the figure window and then changed the 'interpreter' from 'tex' to 'latex'.
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txt = texlabel (f) converts the MATLAB ® expression f into the TeX equivalent for use in text. texlabel converts Greek variable names (for example, lambda, delta, and so on) into a character vector that is displayed as Greek letters. The txt output is useful as an argument to annotation functions such as title, xlabel, and text. The MATLAB function text () is defined to place description texts to data points on a plot.
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Learn more I am using MATLAB 2012A on Win7. Matlab does not support the full set of latex commands.